"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith."
These words that Paul wrote to the Romans have been etched in my heart over the past few days as I think about the joy of spending time together. And yet as I come to think about Sundays at the RGS I'm also aware that I am nervous too: What will it be like meeting together again? Will we be safe? Will everyone get on? Will we have enough people to serve? You may have all sorts of questions too, and so my prayer is that as we learn to gather on a Sunday regularly again, that we all have grace and patience for one another. Not everything will be smooth from day 1 - but I am confident that it will be really encouraging to be together again!

The aim of this blog is to be a one stop shop of everything you need to know about meeting together. In the text of this email you'll find some of the key things to know about, and attached are an updated version of the FAQ's that give greater detail and answer your questions.
1) Zoom Link Every Sunday morning we'll be live-streaming the meeting on Zoom for those not present physically. The zoom link will be open from 9.45am to 12pm. This gives you a few mins to say hi to others before the meeting starts at 10am and also after the meeting has ended at 11.30am. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/359722231?pwd=UWxJdmxtNjdITTY2TmxKbkZrb2xMZz09 Meeting ID: 359 722 231 Passcode: Hope 2) Arrival Entrance and Parking

All cars can enter the school car park through Eastgate Gardens, and our car park team will help you park on the school playground. If on foot you can access through the entrance on the high street.
3) What measures are you taking with regards to Coronavirus Whilst all restrictions in England have been eased for most settings we want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable attending Hope Church. As such we have in place the following measures.
We ensure that there is cross ventilation in our main meeting room.
We provide hand sanitiser on entrance to the venue
We have some social distanced seating available for those who would like it
We live stream all our meetings to zoom for those who can't be present
You will not need to provide a vaccine passport to attend and neither will we take your temperature on arrival. There is also no need to book to attend our Sunday meetings.
4) Environmentally friendly drinks
In order to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint we would like to encourage everyone to bring a thermos mug for their tea & coffee's on Sundays. We've got a bunch of Hope Church thermos mugs which you are welcome to keep to facilitate this too :)
Everything else you'll be able to find in the FAQ's please do give them a read and we look forward to seeing you again soon Many thanks Chris (on behalf of the leadership team)