Hope Church is a Christian church that is based in the heart of Guildford. We are passionate about the transforming love of Jesus. We believe Jesus has the answers to this world’s challenges and we want to see very life transformed by Jesus.
Hope Church provides a safe space for children and adults with care and support needs through various types of activities.
For children, we have the Fireflies (crèche age children) and Kids Work programs on Sunday morning during the service, as well as Youth for children 10 - 16 years old during the week.
The groups available to adults include: Students and 20’s, Life Groups, a women’s ministry a men’s ministry, and a variety of additional courses. These are led and supported by Elders and leaders within the church.
The heart of the Safeguarding Team is that it is a visible, trusted entity that people can turn to regarding the wellbeing of all who attend Hope Church.